Meet the Owner

My grandmother moved to this farm in the 1970’s and one of the first things she did was to plant flowers around the house. Some flowers came from her mother’s home like an heirloom climbing rose, some that she dug up from down by the creek like blue bells, and some that she scattered by seeds like popppies. She was famous for her heirloom poppies (we call them Mimi’s poppies) and by the time I was born had a very impressive cottage garden. There is hardly a memory I have of her that isn’t in the garden or the kitchen. Beside having an amazing green thumb, she was the best hostess, and always had a few extra around guests the dinner table. She was incredibly generous and always kind and patient. She taught me alot about growing flowers, the joy that comes from sharing them, and satisfaction that comes from weeding a bed. 

I was always an outdoor kid. I grew up on this farm swimming in the creek, building forts and riding horses. It was a magical childhood, but farmlife also comes with lots of chores. I came to discover that I also really loved the work. Farming and tending the land has always given back to me more than I put in. I have found healing through hard times and it helped me find peace in my soul. It has been my connection to God; nurturing the soil and loving this piece of earth. I have also discovered that I love sharing the beauty and magic of this place; everything from weddings, to pick and sip, and even that bouquet of flowers at the farmer’s market.

My grandmother “Mimi” and I walking down the freshly cut driveway to our new house on the farm.

Farm life: barefoot & holding a baby goat

I have been obsessed with these pink fluffy blooms we call Mimi’s Poppies from a very young age.